贸易峰会直播:2017 年作物保护市场复苏

Kleffmann Group’s Bob Fairclough, keynote speaker for the AgriBusiness Global Trade Summit, provides an update on the state of the crop protection market.

根据 AgriBusiness Global 贸易峰会——美洲历来打破出席记录的传统,2017年也不例外。

来自 45 多个国家的 800 多名与会者齐聚一堂 AgriBusiness Global 贸易峰会 8 月 8 日在内华达州拉斯维加斯举行,同时 130 多家参展公司挤满了 Bally 的会议中心。

Kicking off the Summit on Tuesday was a message of growth and optimism for the industry, from Dr. Bob Fairclough of Kleffmann Group. That optimism, of course, comes with a multitude of complex factors to consider, among them: the latest wave of M&A activity and the potential for more consolidation especially among Chinese and Indian companies, China’s shrinking competitive advantage in sourcing, global trade agreements, regulatory shifts, and the peaking of new active ingredients falling off patent in 2015.

尽管 2016 年是全球作物保护市场销售额连续第二年下降,但预计 2017 年将出现复苏。大多数公司的下半年业绩呈现积极趋势。

“在未来五年左右的时间里,我们应该开始看到市场上的 2.5% 到 3%(年)增长,”Fairclough 说。 “毫无疑问,该行业将恢复增长,因为增长的所有基本面都已具备。”

2016 年,全球作物保护市场下降 2.6% 至 $531 亿,按当年平均汇率计算的制造商前销售额水平。这比 2015 年的 9.8% 跌幅小得多。

美国在 2016 年保持了第一的市场地位,略高于巴西,Fairclough 指出巴西与成熟的美国市场相比仍有很大的未来增长潜力。

然而,去年最大的变化是中国。他说,经过多年的快速扩张,那里的市场正面临重新平衡,2016 年出现近两位数的下滑,部分原因是天气、货币、草甘膦价格和百草枯的损失。事实上,日本是去年唯一出现增长的亚洲市场。

The European crop protection market was flat, posting $12.9 billion in sales, yet still outperformed all other regions in 2016. Fairclough referred to it as the “game of two halves,” wherein northern EU countries such as Germany, the UK, and Denmark performed worst due to weather and cropping, and France was held back by its Ecophyto plan. The other half — the Southern zone — including Italy, Spain, Greece, and Bulgaria, is performing better, helped by sunflower and fruits, while cereals and sugarbeet power Russia and Ukraine ahead.

2016 年表现突出的市场包括阿根廷,这得益于取消和降低某些农产品的出口税,以及积极的选择性除草剂和大豆杀虫剂销售;和印度,那里经历了良好的季风降雨。 2017 年的迹象看起来也很积极。 Fairclough 还强调俄罗斯 - 大豆、葡萄作物、甜菜和谷物的产量急剧增长 - 是一个很好的机会。
