
根据 农业综合企业全球东南亚会议暨峰会 将于 11 月 8 日至 9 日在印度尼西亚雅加达的铂尔曼雅加达中央公园酒店举行。此次活动将汇集作物保护行业的领导者,为与会者提供建立宝贵的业务联系并向经验丰富的行业领导者学习的机会。此次会议有超过 400 名与会者和 40 家参展商,有望成为农业领域的一次重要聚会。

苏德拉贾特·优素福,主席 印度尼西亚农作物护理协会, a supporting organization of the event, emphasizes the importance of preparing for the future disruptions in the agrochemical business. He believes that in the next five to 10 years, there will be significant changes in the agrochemical industry, including distribution systems, promotions, and the products themselves. These changes will be driven by global politics and climate change, with the aim of protecting countries’ food security systems.

鉴于农业市场的复杂性和不断发展,听取该领域专家的意见对于制定未来有效的战略至关重要。会议将邀请来自顾问委员会的尊贵成员参加,其中包括公共事务、科学和可持续发展主管 Paranee Adulyapichet 东盟 拜耳公司;南丹·霍利尔 (Nandang Holil) 董事 PT。生物农业链接;和执行董事 Siang Hee Tan 博士 CropLife Asia。这些行业领导者将分享他们对主要市场趋势、生物制品、法规和其他区域最新动态的见解。

该活动将以主题演讲人 Garry Mabon 和 Fraser McDougall 拉开帷幕,他们是 AgbioInvestor,他将提供全球作物保护应用趋势的展望。他们还将分析生物和农业技术将如何影响全球和东南亚当地作物保护市场。此外,营销总监 David Li SPM Biosciences, will delve into China’s agrochemical industry, exploring the key factors driving and challenging the agrochemical supply within the country.

Other presenters, such as Dr. Piyatida “Tung” Pukclai, Asia-Pacific Regional Sales and Regulatory Policy Manager for Knoell 公司,, will focus on the region’s regulatory developments. Pukclai will provide insights on navigating the latest regulatory affairs effectively and ensuring compliance with international standards. She will also discuss trends and opportunities in the region, such as new formulations, biocontrol, and ag tech development.


农业企业全球东南亚会议和峰会是一个促进农业行业增长、创新和合作的全球聚会。通过参加此次活动,参与者可以与行业思想领袖建立联系,探索新的商机,并及时了解市场趋势。如需了解有关会议的更多信息,请访问 ABGSEAsia.com.

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