FCI 贸易峰会:坦桑尼亚的投入品获取途径如何飙升

Mbette Mshindo Msolla 博士,非洲肥料和农业综合企业伙伴关系坦桑尼亚国家经理

Tanzania is emblematic of how government and private sector intervention in smallholder farm enterprises has generated huge demand for quality farm inputs and in the process, transformed production systems at the grassroots level, said Dr. Mbette Mshindo Msolla, Tanzania country manager for the African Fertilizer & Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP), at the FCI Trade Summit – Africa in Dar es Salaam on May 13.

Msolla 在 FCI 贸易峰会上通过 AFAP 与其他非政府组织和政府合作的当前举措,向与会者介绍了这些举措,他说这些举措使许多地区的小农户的玉米和大米产量增加了一倍以上。

Tanzania’s government has in the recent past trained more than 3,835 agro-dealers, who have now formed an association from the regional to national level represented by the Tanzania National Agro-Dealers Association. The agro-dealers have now capitalized on the government-sponsored National Agricultural Inputs Voucher Scheme (NAIVS) to expand their operations in rural districts.

“NAIVS 帮助提高了基层农业投入的可及性,并让农民意识到使用改良种子和化肥的必要性,”他说。

Msolla 告诉包括超过 35 家农化产品参展商在内的论坛,NAIVS 提高了玉米和水稻等主要粮食作物的作物生产力,并在此过程中加强了粮食安全并增加了农民的收入。

He said the program has created effective demand for both improved seeds and fertilizers, which in Tanzania has risen to 19.3 kgs/ha — more than double the Sub-Saharan Africa average of 8 kg/ha.

自补贴券计划实施以来,玉米和水稻产量显着增加,玉米产量从 2007/2008 年的 0.5 吨/公顷增加到现在的 2 吨/公顷。

水稻产量在雨养条件下也从 0.8 吨/公顷增加到 2.5 吨/公顷,在某些情况下在灌溉条件下达到 4 吨/公顷。



坦桑尼亚还通过其农业投入信托基金授权农民获得农用化学品,这是一个半自治机构,以低利率提供贷款以促进农业生产。该机构以 8% 的利率向小农户提供贷款,而商业银行的利率为 20%。


Msholla said that input supply companies in the country have now identified agro-dealer agents across the country to ensure that seeds, fertilizers and chemicals “are accessible to farmers closer to where they are needed for use.”


He lauded the One Acre Fund, an NGO that supports farmers’ access to maize. The NGO provides fertilizer credits of between 0.8ha and 0.4ha at an interest rate of about 1% in the populous Tanzanian district of Iringa where about 7,000 farming households have benefitted from the scheme. The farmers usually pay back the credit within six months.

