
50岁的罗英迪,在农用喷药拖拉机的帮助下,已经在麦田里忙了一个多月,每天喷药面积约67公顷, 报告 中国日报.

“I have six agricultural sprayers and two drones to spray pesticides and herbicides. Seven employees from my agricultural service company do the spraying work,” said Luo, who has been farming for 21 years in Yingshang county, Anhui province. Besides looking after his 53 hectares of farmland, he also provides spraying services to other farmers.

今年 3 月 20 日是春分,即中国农历的春分。春分后白昼变长,天气回暖,庄稼长势旺盛。春分前后是中国农耕的主要季节,从北到南,全国各地的农业活动如火如荼。

继续阅读 中国日报.