2021 年最佳农业应用

还记得当移动应用程序首次出现并风靡一时时, 马特霍普金斯写道 CropLife. The year was 2010. The slogan “There’s an app for that!” took off, the app stores emerged, and the tech slang ‘app’ was voted the 2010 ‘Word of the Year’ by the 美国方言协会.

然而,当时移动应用程序只是触及了数字功能的表面。如果您将今天推出的农业应用程序与十多年前首次推出的应用程序进行比较,差异是巨大的。 2010 年下载的大多数应用程序 ag 专业人士执行一些计算和记录保存的基本功能,与今天的应用程序相比,这些功能几乎显得过时。

如今,物联网、机器学习和人工智能 (AI) 等技术已将应用程序迁移到另一个层次,其中一切都专注于为用户提供可操作的见解。应用程序开发人员不断创新解决问题的新方法,增加知识的可用性,并将企业与客户联系起来。此外,还有新的电子商务应用程序帮助零售商成倍增加销售额。

“We are past the honeymoon phase of agriculture apps,” says Casey Niemann, President of 农业同步. “Farmers and retailers want solutions that solve practical problems. The bar for quality and continuous improvement continues to be raised. 2020 has taught us that the digital transformation is upon us now. We are glad to be providing a service that brings farmers and their trusted advisors together — even when they are social distancing.”


那么农业应用的下一步发展方向是什么?展望 2021 年及以后,我们采访了一些农业科技公司,以深入了解影响移动应用程序开发的趋势以及我们可以期待在农业中看到的情况。

“Security is becoming more and more important in every aspect of our digital life,” says Reinder Prins, Chief Marketing Officer for 世界. “Secure login technology like AuthO or other SSO providers are becoming a ‘must have’ instead of a ‘nice to have’ for all agricultural apps.”

Prins 补充说,增强的分析能力是应用程序开发中另一个日益重要的领域。

“Instead of offering desktop-only applications that are linked to a mobile app, with reporting capabilities that apps can’t offer, mobile apps are increasingly designed to integrate with specialized analytics platforms that can offer users on-demand analytics on mobile devices,” he says. “One of the main new features of Agworld that has been important to our users in 2020 is the integration between Agworld and Microsoft Power BI. Instead of relying on static reports, the Microsoft Power BI integration now allows Agworld users to create dashboards with those statistics that are important to them. Users can also integrate existing data from other systems into their dashboards, leveraging Power BI as much as possible.”

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