可持续播客:Micropep 首席执行官 Thomas Laurent 讨论来自于田间的见解

AgriBusiness Global 最近采访了 Micropep 的首席执行官 Thomas Laurent,Micropep 是一家总部位于美国和法国的公司,开发基于微肽的作物保护解决方案。Laurent 走访了欧盟和美国,与投资者和种植者交谈,了解未来几个月生物农药市场的情况。




Thomas Laurent: 有三个主要要点。第一个对每个人来说可能都是显而易见的,就是气候变化如何影响种植者的耕作方式。


For our trials, we had some places with a lot of disease pressure coming from a combination of droughts, high temperatures, followed by excessive rainfall. There is a lot of humidity surging at the moment, and because of this we’ve seen very heavy disease pressure, especially in grapes and potatoes in Belgium. The big change in climate is affecting farmers and also companies like us developing products.

The second takeaway is that we’ve seen a lot of resistance and regulatory impacts on the toolbox that farmers have to work with. To give an example on the resistance, we’ve been running trials in California on grapes. When doing those trials, we compare our results with chemical standards. Our choice partner and the growers were surprised to see that the chemical program was not performing as expected.


This is a big concern for growers around the world. Of course, there’s differences between crops grown in different regions, but the resistance issue is definitely there, not only for disease but also weeds and insects.

A third takeaway are the effects of the regulatory environment. We’re running trials for potato and grapes in Europe and checked in with the growers. There’s a big pressure in Europe for growers to avoid using key chemicals that have been banned. Because of an increase in diseases coming from the impact of the climate, farmers are left without many options.


And I find it somewhat ironic that at the same time Bayer is being held accountable for 1.5 billion on the Monsanto lawsuit for Roundup, Europe decides to reapprove glyphosate for ten more years. There’s definitely proof that we don’t have the answer yet to replacing chemicals.