
Following China’s Zero Growth of Pesticide Policies was issued, the country’s pesticide manufacturers needed to look elsewhere to expand their operations. Many have been working to expand sales into international market. Many of those companies have found success in Latin America.

According to a report from Chemlinked by Reach24 Consulting Group, “In 2014, the total pesticide exportation volume from China to Latin America was 0.5 million tons valuing $35.8 billion USD. There are many countries in Latin America and Chinese manufacturers have covered 32 out of 34 Latin countries.”

除草剂产品几乎占总产品的一半。草甘膦 (33%) 和百草枯 (7%) 是拉丁美洲排名前两位的产品,其次是吡虫啉 (4%),以及甲维菌素、氟虫腈、多菌灵、2,4-D 和阿特拉津,均为 2%。

Read Chemlinked’s report on 中国对拉美出口.

Use FCI’s Sourcing Network to find companies selling glyphosate, paraquat, imidacloprid, emamectin, fripronil, 2,4-D, and atrazine.