
数据及商业情报机构报告显示,2018年4月中国草甘膦原药市场低迷,海外市场进入淡季,原料价格持续上涨,草甘膦原药生产商压力加大 CCM.

然而,CCM 表示,中国生产商并没有降低开工率,有些甚至增加了产量。


2018年二季度,化工市场进入淡季, 甘氨酸 价格反映了监管的增加。但甘氨酸开工率虽有大量订单,但仍呈下滑趋势。

“Rising glycine prices will undoubtedly pose pressure on producers without their own glycine production equipment. For those who can produce glycine by themselves, that would be an opportunity. For example, Inner Mongolia Tenglong and Sichuan Fuhua Tongda with supporting glycine equipment, can save production cost and earn more profits from the high market price of glyphosate,” CCM said.

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