
Croda 的作物护理部门表示,它为农业市场推出了一系列新的聚山梨醇酯。

The products have the same ecological and toxicological  benefits as the company’s Tween 20, but with differentiated performance and physical properties, Croda said. “These products will now allow formulators to have expanded adjuvant options without facing additional regulatory hurdles.”

Croda 表示,其三种新的聚山梨醇酯 Tween 22、Tween 23 和 Tween 24 具有与 Tween 20 相同的监管地位,同时提供额外的特性,例如增强表面活性以实现更好的润湿性、更低的 EST 和比 Tween 20 更低的接触角。


“Polysorbates have consistently provided advantages in agricultural applications for more than 40 years, with Tween 20 establishing itself as an effective agricultural spray adjuvant for built-in and tank-added applications,” Croda said, adding: “It was selected by formulators both for its preferred toxicological properties as well as its performance as a nonionic surfactant adjuvant. Tween 20 effectively delivers multiple adjuvant functionalities such as retention, enhanced uptake, humectancy, wetting and spreading properties making it a top choice in herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.”