
Tacoma Ag 的管理合伙人 Paul Lyon 将在 2015 赛季结束时离开公司。 Paul 于 2009 年加入 Tacoma Ag,担任管理合伙人,还担任过全国销售总监。在他任职期间,Tacoma Ag 的销售额增长了 10 倍以上,并扩大了其在美国的销售范围,销售到多种作物和非作物细分市场。此外,在 Paul 任职期间,Tacoma Ag 已从销售五种活性成分发展到目前的 14 种。

“My time with Tacoma Ag has been a very exciting and productive venture both personally and professionally. The company is well positioned for future growth and I wish them continued success in the future,” Lyon said.

“Paul is a good friend and has been a valued part of Tacoma Ag the past six years and will be missed by our organization. We wish Paul all the best in his desire to explore new opportunities,” Bryan Wilson said.

作为这一过渡的一部分,Wayne Lohman 已加入 Tacoma Ag,并将接任首席销售客户经理。 Wayne 在农作物和非农作物市场拥有 40 多年的行业经验,曾在 Sandoz、Micro-Flo 和最近的巴斯夫工作。请和我们一起欢迎韦恩来到塔科马公司。

要了解有关 Tacoma Ag, LLC 和员工联系信息的更多信息,请访问 www.TacomaAg.com。