先正达发布 41 个国家的农业效率数据

先正达今天发布了关于六项雄心勃勃承诺的广泛数据 良好的成长计划 旨在释放环境、社会和经济价值。

这些数据可通过互联网搜索、使用和共享。其中包括 2014 年在欧洲、非洲、拉丁美洲、北美和亚太地区 41 个国家的 3,600 个农场收集的农业效率指标基线信息,代表了大约 200 种作物气候组合。这是商业组织首次以这种方式公开作物层面的信息,包括资源效率。

先正达还宣布与独立的非营利性开放数据专家开放数据研究所 (ODI) 合作。 ODI 与组织合作,利用开放数据创造经济、环境和社会价值。它有助于释放供应、产生需求、创造和传播知识以解决地方和全球问题。

Mike Mack, CEO of Syngenta, said: “Making these data public will allow people to make their own assessments of the progress of our Good Growth Plan. It is also blurring the traditional roles of business, government and NGOs by highlighting our collective responsibility to address acute global challenges. Above all, the data will be of value to farmers, enabling them to increase productivity sustainably and to enhance their livelihoods.”

Syngenta and the ODI will in 2015 hold an “Innovation Workshop” promoting the exchange of ideas, best practices and perspectives on the potential of open data in agriculture. The workshop will explore how crowd sourcing and open data can drive the discovery of innovative and sustainable solutions to agricultural challenges. The workshop will also inform a planned international research challenge from Syngenta.

Jeni Tennison, Deputy CEO and CTO of the Open Data Institute, said: “Open data has the power to solve our most challenging sustainability problems. For example, how can we provide all the world’s people with adequate nutrition, whilst protecting our precious natural resources? Agri-tech businesses have a big role to play in finding novel solutions to these problems. It is encouraging that Syngenta is taking a step that puts them at the forefront of the open data movement in their sector. We look forward to working with them to unlock benefits for farmers and consumers worldwide.”

先正达已将已发布的数据标准化,并与 ODI 合作围绕作物水平信息的收集、测量和共享创建通用语言。这将加深人们对如何最好地履行“良好增长计划”承诺的理解,其中包括通过提高作物效率来帮助养活不断增长的全球人口,同时拯救农田和帮助生物多样性蓬勃发展。


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