先正达的 Talinor 除草剂获得 EPA 批准

先正达宣布其用于控制小麦和大麦阔叶杂草的 Talinor 除草剂获得了环境保护署的批准。

“With its two active ingredients (bicyclopyrone, bromoxynil) and two modes of action, this herbicide delivers excellent standalone control of resistant and other difficult-to-control broadleaf weeds, including kochia, lambsquarters, mayweed chamomile, Russian thistle and wild buckwheat, and particularly those that have become resistant to ALS-inhibitor, synthetic auxin and glyphosate herbicides,” Syngenta said. “Talinor helps protect yield and profit potential while offering cereal growers the latest tool to help manage weed resistance.”

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