印度 Crystal Crop Protection 开设技术工厂

印度 Crystal Crop Protection Ltd. 董事长 Nand Kishore Aggarwal

印度农用化学品公司 Crystal Crop Protection 宣布在印度进步农业邦之一哈里亚纳邦的 Sonepat 开设了第一家技术工厂。该植物将合成各种分子,如噻虫嗪、草甘膦、敌敌畏和三环唑。

该公司在一份声明中表示,该工厂配备了最先进的机器来制造新分子,包括氮气覆盖和多效蒸发器,这意味着该工厂将对环境友好。 Crystal 在印度也拥有三个配方工厂。

NK Aggarwal, chairman of the Crystal Group, said “Our R&D center at Sonepat aims to develop new environmentally friendly molecules – both chemical and biological – as well as technology to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of our current products. We will also be working on more efficient formulation technologies. In the short-term we are expecting almost 20 new registrations to come across in next couple of years.” Aggarwal added, “We have also entered into multiple strategic alliances with many players globally and are investing rapidly into gaining registrations across the globe in many market including Southeast Asia, Latin America, Australia, North and Central America and Europe. We are also increasing our presence in the African sub-continent.”

Crystal 是印度排名前五的公司之一,在印度市场销售超过 70 种产品。该植物可以合成分子,包括炔草酯、磺胺嘧啶、噻虫嗪、莠去津、丙草胺、草甘膦、敌敌畏和三环唑。