
Part of the Black Sea region’s rapidly reemerging agriculture industry, Romania is gaining ground after years of financial insecurities. USDA FAS reports that despite the industry’s slow privatization, difficulty accessing credit and infrastructure insufficiencies, agriculture remains a hearty constant for the nation, representing nearly half of all employment and 12% of the nation’s $190 billion GDP. 

这种市场范围内的弹性态度在整个供应链中得到呼应,农用化学品分销商 Naturevo 正在实现罗马尼亚农业产业复兴的梦想。

John Enoiu, the company’s integrated sales manager, tells Farm Chemicals International that when he started the company in 1999, he was told he had no chance of success. Now, however, the business is thriving with 60 employees serving the nation’s array of crops include maize, wheat, rye, barley, vegetables, sunflower and potatoes according to FAO.

Enoiu says Naturevo has found success by providing its customers with the highest level of service possible. As the only company in the nation with a sales team completely comprised of agronomists, he emphasizes the importance of growing customers’ farms by providing expert advice and customized solutions. To do this, Naturevo specializes in creating tailored Integrated Pest Management programs for specific crops and local conditions.

虽然美国农业部 FAS 报告说罗马尼亚的大部分经营活动都是小型单户农场,但 Enoiu 说,根据他的经验,公司不仅在规模上而且在技术进步方面都在增长。为了满足这些不断变化的业务的复杂需求,Naturevo 提供了多样化的产品组合,包括拜耳、巴斯夫、陶氏和 Makhteshim Agan 等跨国公司的作物保护产品;来自 Compo、Roullier、Ag Chem 和 Altinco 的肥料和特种产品;以及陶氏、先锋、孟山都等公司的种子。此外,Enoiu 说 Naturevo 是罗马尼亚市场上唯一的有机产品授权经销商。

Although Naturevo has all the tools necessary to serve the needs of the agriculture industry, Enoiu says that the turbulent economic environment mandated that companies be more active when reaching out to the potential customer base. “Although the Internet and specialized magazines are used more and more, Romanian customers still prefer to be approached at the farm gate,” Enoiu says. To get in front of potential consumers, Naturevo hosts regional meetings and invites local farmers to attend.

Enoiu says Naturevo prefers to demonstrate its products first hand as Romania’s ag growth has created an influx of suppliers, many of which he says are unprofessional in their approaches. Showing the quality of the products Naturevo distributes is important to the company’s bottom line due to stiff price competition. Low quality and fake goods have spoiled local customers’ expectations of cost, he explains.

就未来计划而言,Naturevo 打算通过尽可能高水平地为罗马尼亚客户提供服务来延续其增长轨迹。

Naturevo’s motto underscores the importance of resilience, and also serves as inspiration for their company name: “Evocation, Evolution and Revolution in Nature.”

Enoiu 恰如其分地表示,公司计划坚持其愿景,其中包括尊重环境和关爱生命中的一切。