


初始阶段预计到 2017 财年末每年可节省 $275 至 $3 亿,总成本约为 $850 至 $9 亿。该计划还包括在未来 18 至 24 个月内裁员约 2,600 名员工。该公司正在制定进一步的计划,将其运营支出再减少 $1 亿,这将使年度预期总节省额达到 $4 亿。


For the fourth quarter, Seeds and Genomics segment net sales were $1.3 billion for the quarter, down from $1.4 billion a year ago. Agricultural Productivity — which consists of crop protection and lawn-and-garden herbicide products — net sales were $1.1 billion for the quarter, down from $1.3 billion a year ago.

With $274 million in a one-time licensing benefit in fiscal year 2015 and the continuing low generic glyphosate pricing levels, Monsanto expects the Agricultural Productivity segment gross profit to be in the range of $900 million to $1.1 billion in fiscal year 2016, it said, adding, “The company plans to stay consistent with its strategy as it continues to adjust pricing to maintain a slight premium over the generics. Beyond fiscal year 2016, the continued strategic management of the Agricultural Productivity segment is expected to support the Seeds and Genomics segment and new growth opportunities.”

“The fundamentals of our business are strong and Monsanto remains the best positioned company in the industry. As we look to 2016, focus and discipline become increasingly important,” said Chief Executive Hugh Grant. “We will continue to focus on executing on key milestones within our core seeds and traits business, and we plan to remain disciplined in our agricultural productivity strategy, drive further optimization in spend through strategic restructuring actions and accelerate our progress toward our targeted capital structure. A focus on these priorities will set the foundation for expected rapid growth, with our strong core business and several growth drivers continuing to underpin our confidence to meet our target of more than doubling fiscal year 2014 ongoing EPS by fiscal year 2019.”

展望种子业务,孟山都公司表示计划借助 Intacta RR2 PRO 大豆在南美洲的发展势头,目标是在 2016 财年达到 3000 万英亩。对于 Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System,美国团队正在准备预计 2016 财年将在超过 300 万英亩的土地上推出最大规模的技术。

大豆机会将在 2016 财年得到公司全球玉米业务的补充。这包括在主要玉米种植区引入新的杂交产品组合,预计以当地货币计算的低个位数种质资源价格组合提升,以及 2016 年在每个主要玉米市场的预期重复持有或增长份额。

在数字农业领域,孟山都预计 Climate 平台在 2016 年将扩大到超过 9000 万英亩,其中超过 1200 万英亩使用其优质产品。