
Monsanto Company 和 Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. 已就巴西和阿根廷的杂草管理合作签订了长期协议,扩大了双方在北美协议下的持续战略合作伙伴关系。

这些新协议的目标是通过孟山都的杂草管理计划 Roundup Ready PLUS 作物管理解决方案继续开展互利的联合营销计划。这些建议有助于促进对杂草的正确管理,现在包括 SCC 的氟米恶嗪除草剂品牌。

“These agreements provide a clear path forward in cooperative weed management initiatives, and creates value for farmers using the Roundup Ready PLUS platform,” said Celeste Balbi, Monsanto’s Global Weed Management Marketing Lead. “It can deliver to farmers the best management solutions to face the growing challenges in Argentina and Brazil and follows good agronomic practices.

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