
Monsanto President and Chief Operating Officer Brett Begemann says he is “increasingly confident” about glyphosate receiving re-registration in the European Union.

“Discussions have been progressing positively,” Begemann said on the company’s earnings conference call on June 28.

尽管担心在监管机构未能续签其重新授权后,欧洲农民会失去积极性,而是 发出18个月的延期 until the end of 2017, saying they needed additional data. The impending decision follows the European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) Risk Assessment Committee’s conclusion in March that the available scientific evidence “did not meet the criteria to classify glyphosate as a carcinogen, as a mutagen or as toxic for reproduction.”

ECHA 的分类以及欧洲食品安全局在 2015 年底的风险评估也得出草甘膦不太可能对人类造成致癌危害的结论,将构成欧盟委员会决定是否将活性物质再延长 15 年的基础。