巴西暂停使用 63 种针对亚洲大豆锈病的杀菌剂

巴西农业、畜牧业和食品供应部 (MAPA) 已暂停授权用于控制亚洲锈病的 63 种杀菌剂 (豆薯层锈菌) 在大豆中,由于真菌对杀菌剂的抗性已在该国广泛传播,根据 化学链接 报告。

The measure was a follow-up of MAPA’s agronomic reevaluation of 117 soybean fungicides, which required registrants to submit scientific evidence to confirm efficacy of their products against biological targets within 60 days. The 63 suspended fungicides were registered by 26 companies: 57 of them contain triazoles and 12 contain strobilurins. See the list (链接在这里).