
An expected further reduction in corn acres hit Syngenta’s seed sales.
照片来源:Flickr 用户 Tumbling Run;知识共享许可。

Syngenta’s first-quarter sales fell 14% on the strong dollar against the euro and most other currencies, particularly in the CIS. A delayed start to the season in North America also hurt results.

销量下降 7%,而价格上涨 8%,这主要是由于 CIS 的增长以抵消货币贬值的影响。不包括独联体和草甘膦,价格上涨了 1%。

在欧洲、非洲和中东,按固定汇率计算销售额增长 15%,作物保护业务的强劲增长抵消了几个地区玉米、向日葵和甜菜种植面积减少导致的种子疲软。中欧和北欧以及伊比利亚在作物保护方面表现出增长,而在法国,选择性除草剂的销售额较低,反映了 2014 年第四季度的早期订单,其他产品系列基本没有变化。先正达表示,在独联体国家,货币损失主要通过售价得以弥补。

在北美,销售额下降了 16%;不包括正在进行有意减少的草甘膦,销售额低于 13%。

“A prolonged winter delayed the start of the season in the USA and Seedcare was sharply down in Canada owing to high channel inventories. Seeds sales reflected an expected further reduction in corn acres, lower royalty income and changes in Syngenta’s distribution model to increase focus and profitability,” the company said.

继 2014 年第四季度表现强劲后,拉丁美洲季末销售额下降 11%。委内瑞拉的信贷管理导致销售延迟。由于虫害压力较低,该地区的杀虫剂销量下降。 Elatus杀菌剂在完成剩余订单的同时继续做出积极贡献。由于种植面积减少,巴西的玉米种子销量有所下降。

在亚太地区,东北亚的销售额受到与去年消费税增加相关的日本分阶段实施的影响。由于百草枯液体制剂的逐步淘汰,中国的销售额有所下降。泰国水稻种植面积减少的影响部分被南亚 GroMore 协议的进一步扩展所抵消。

“In an environment of currency and crop price volatility, we have demonstrated our ability to successfully manage risk, as evidenced by the substantial price increases achieved in the CIS. With the main North American season now underway, we are focused on maximizing the opportunity for our herbicide portfolio,” said Chief Executive Mike Mack.