

交易。在获得必要的反垄断批准后于 2014 年 12 月 1 日关闭,推动了拜耳作物科学的非农业害虫和杂草控制业务。此次收购战略性地补充了拜耳作物科学目前的产品组合,并使该公司能够进入北美不断增长的林业和牧场和牧场业务领域。土地管理者和公用事业林务员现在将受益于全面的杂草控制组合,包括以 Esplanade、Perspective、Streamline、Escort 和 Cimarron 等品牌销售的成熟除草剂。

“We are striving to further expand the leadership position of Environmental Science, and this acquisition is a milestone which underlines our growth ambitions,” said Bayer CropScience CEO Liam Condon. “Through this acquisition we become a leader in Industrial Vegetation Management in North America and globally and will continue to build a best-in-class, innovative platform for future product launches and risk management solutions.”
