
ABU DHABI, Saudi Arabia — 波音商用飞机, 阿提哈德航空公司UOP霍尼韦尔 (Renewable Energy & Chemicals) 已与 马斯达尔学院 正式启动可持续生物能源研究项目(SBRP),该项目将使用综合咸水农业系统来支持航空生物燃料来源和副产品的开发和商业化,据称 阿拉伯新闻.该协议将建立一个致力于可持续能源解决方案的重大研究和示范项目。

“This project will for the first time demonstrate the commercial viability of using integrated saltwater agriculture to provide biofuels for aviation, and is consistent with the overall vision of Abu Dhabi to achieve a seven percent target of renewables by 2020,” said provost of the Masdar Institute, John Perkins.

马斯达尔研究所是一所致力于可再生能源开发的独立研究型大学,将领导 SBRP 运营并提供实验室
以及处于建设初期的碳中和马斯达尔市的示范设施。以水产养殖为基础的农业系统将侧重于红树林和海蓬子,一种在咸水中茁壮成长的植物。 S. Europa 品种有时被称为海芦笋或盐草,可食用,被认为是美味佳肴。

The SBRP team will focus on an integrated seawater agriculture systems approach, an efficient system for producing liquid and solid biofuels. The team’s initial work will be to undertake research projects that combine the arid and saline-rich environment of Abu Dhabi with saltwater farming practices. The institute expects that the system will capture and hold carbon from the atmosphere and enlarge habitats to increase biodiversity, while simultaneously releasing fresh water for higher value uses (drinking water, industrial use and food products).