

杜邦先锋和非营利性双刀片基金会宣布了一项研究合作,以开发对亚洲大豆锈病 (ASR) 具有更高抗性的大豆品种。

ASR 严重降低大豆的种子质量和产量,大豆是全球最重要的经济作物之一。迄今为止,针对 ASR 的持久和种族独立抗性的大豆种质广泛筛选尚未成功。

Pioneer 表示,此次合作的目的是确定能够在大豆中提供对 ASR 持久抗性的新基因。 Pioneer 将在育种计划中部署已识别的新型 ASR 抗性基因,以开发大豆品种,最大限度地减少 ASR 对种植者造成的损失。

“ASR is a critical challenge for farmers, and we are working toward developing multiple technologies to deliver solutions to our customers,” said Gusui Wu, DuPont Pioneer senior research director. “This collaboration can advance both breeding and biotechnology approaches to combat this devastating soybean disease.”

该公告建立在与巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州维索萨联邦大学 (UFV) 和英国诺里奇塞恩斯伯里实验室 (TSL) 的联合研究计划的基础上,由 2Blades 领导,以确定可能被使用的新型抗性基因控制大豆的 ASR。

The Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics of Plant-Pathogen Interactions at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa has a long-standing research program to identify sources of resistance against Asian soybean rust.  “Our collaboration with Two Blades Foundation, The Sainsbury Lab and DuPont Pioneer strengthens the possibility to provide growers with alternatives to diminish the economic impact of the disease, which in Brazil alone is estimated at $1.7 billion for the 2013-2014 growing season,” said Professor Sergio H. Brommonschenkel.