泰米尔纳德邦农业大学和 Sun-Agro 生物技术研究中心致力于开发更安全的农药

为了开发更安全的害虫防治技术, 泰米尔纳德邦农业大学 (TNAU) 与 Sun-Agro 生物技术研究中心续签了一份谅解备忘录。 新印度快车.

“Through this collaboration, which has now completed three years, several promising leads have been found to evolve widely adoptable eco-safe pest management methods,” the article said. “These include extended shelf life of the bio-control agent trichogramma, enhanced potency of botanical bio-pesticides based on sweet flag, more efficient pheromone trap designs to attract pests like fruit flies and crop borers.”


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