冬季摊位罗马尼亚小麦,玉米 OK

A long and cold Winter will limit Romanian wheat production to 4.4 million metric tons (MT) in 2006/07, a significant fall from 2005/06. However, the country’s maize crop looks strong, according to the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agriculture Service (USDA-FAS).

寒冷的北极温度在 1 月下旬在罗马尼亚小麦种植区持续了两到三周。农作物上没有积雪导致农田受到严重破坏,尤其是秋季种植的油菜和大麦。

寒冷的天气一直持续到三月,导致大麦和小麦的营养生长期出现长时间的霜冻。此外,冬季杀戮对大约 105,000 公顷 (Ha) 的小麦和 53,000 公顷的大麦造成了损害。据 USDA-FAS 报道,受影响尤其严重的是多布罗加(康斯坦察和图尔恰)、巴拉干平原(卡拉拉西)以及摩尔多瓦和特兰西瓦尼亚的北部地区。

目前的小麦产量预测为 440 万吨,全国范围为 190 万公顷。对于大麦,估计面积为 360,000 公顷,约为 750,000 公吨。


Maize may be making its comeback this season in Romania. While it was not an attractive crop in 2005/06, many small farms and co-ops will look back to maize in 2006/07. Maize area is expected to grow to approximately 3 million Ha this season, which would be on par with the country’s 2004 and 2005 levels.

玉米面积的增长预计将带来 1000 万吨的产量。