
德国人 巴斯夫公司 和巴西研究中心 Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (反恐委员会) 宣布了一项植物生物技术合作,重点是为巴西市场开发具有耐旱性和 25% 更高产量的转基因甘蔗品种,据称
巴斯夫 新闻稿.目标是在大约未来十年内将增产 25% 的甘蔗品种推向市场。

“This type of yield increase would mean that the average quantity of sugarcane harvested could rise from 80 to 100 tons per hectare,” said Marc Ehrhardt, Group Vice President, BASF Plant Science. “We are proud to cooperate with CTC, one of the world’s leaders in improving sugarcane production through conventional breeding as well as biotechnology. The cooperation is another example of BASF’s plant biotechnology strategy by which we aim to increase efficiency in farming by bringing BASF’s superior genes to farmers around the world in cooperation with the best partners.”

合作伙伴瞄准的增产目标将创造显着的附加价值,甘蔗、乙醇和能源生产商以及 CTC 和巴斯夫将共享这些价值。该协议还为两家公司提供了在未来评估具有除草剂耐受特性的甘蔗品种开发的可能性。巴斯夫提供植物生物技术知识及其最有前途的基因,而 CTC 则带来其在甘蔗方面的广泛专业知识,并将选定的基因添加到其最有前途的甘蔗品种中。 CTC 是巴西最大和领先的甘蔗研究中心,拥有 40 年历史和 15 年致力于生物技术。

”We entered this cooperation because we are strongly committed to the continuous development in technologies for increasing yield and to reduce production costs in sugarcane,” said Nilson Zaramella Boeta, CEO of Sao Paolo-based CTC. “The great leap in sugarcane quality and productivity that CTC and BASF start working on today will certainly support Brazil’s position as the leading global player in sugar, ethanol and energy,” he added.