
据该公司称,拜耳作物科学公司和罗马尼亚 Fundulea 的国家农业研究与发展研究所 (NARDI) 已签署许可协议。

通过该协议,拜耳获得了罗马尼亚农业研究机构 NARDI 的冬小麦种质资源。据拜耳称,其种质资源库以其对干旱的高耐受性、广泛的抗病性以及良好的碾磨和烘焙质量而闻名。

“Improving the productivity of wheat cropping will be critical to achieving global food security. Our customers have turned to us to find new ways to help them, we have listened and are building a world-class research platform for wheat genetics. Our agreement with NARDI is another key building block in this strategy”, said Hartmut van Lengerich, head of cereals and fungicides at Bayer CropScience in a statement.


“Producing enough wheat to feed the world is an immense challenge and anyone willing to invest in the effort to meet this challenge is welcome”, said Marian Verzea, general director of NARDI in a statement. “NARDI is proud that the wheat germplasm developed by its breeding program will be used to speed up genetic progress in breeding better wheat cultivars for other parts of the world, too.”
