拜耳与 Northstar Agri Industries 推出耐草铵膦油菜混合动力车

Northstar Agri Industries 和 Bayer CropScience 表示,他们为 2014 年的生长季推出了 InVigor L252 杂交种。 L252 是第一款具有高级油含量的 InVigor 混合动力车。据该公司称,这种中熟至全熟的杂交品种具有早季活力、出色的产量和最高的抗黑腿病评级。 L252 具有 LibertyLink 特性,它是草甘膦耐受系统的替代品,也是对抗除草剂抗性的工具。

“The Northstar contract pays growers an extra 5% on the first 1,250 pounds per acre of grain. We have very demanding criteria for admission to the program: hybrids need to be top performers in both yield and oil percentage,” said Neil Juhnke, president and COO, Northstar. “The seed must yield at least 2 to 3 percent more oil when crushed over others to even be considered for entry.”

“We are so pleased to add a LibertyLink hybrid to our contract. This now gives our growers access to the full range of herbicide systems available in canola today,” said Jay Bjerke, agronomic services manager, Northstar. “Liberty is a great system to rotate with other herbicide systems to enhance volunteer control and prevent the establishment of herbicide-resistant weeds. It’s a win-win for everyone.”