
先正达 美国农业部 (USDA) 对其玉米淀粉酶特性进行了全面放松管制。据一份新闻稿称,这是乙醇行业的第一个转基因玉米产量特性。

先正达将以 Enogen 品牌销售具有淀粉酶特性的玉米种子。先正达表示,通过直接在玉米中表达优化的 α-淀粉酶,干磨乙醇生产可以以一种可以轻松集成到现有基础设施中的方式得到改善。

“Enogen corn seed offers growers an opportunity to cultivate a premium specialty crop. It is a breakthrough product that provides U.S. ethanol producers with a proven means to generate more gallons of ethanol from their existing facilities,” said Davor Pisk, chief operating officer, in a prepared statement. “Enogen corn also reduces the energy and water consumed in the production process while substantially reducing carbon emissions.”

Enogen 玉米种子将在即将到来的生长季节上市。据该公司称,先正达计划与附近的少数乙醇工厂和玉米种植者合作,并为 2012 年更大规模的商业推广做准备。
