
巴斯夫公司 提到了采取的可能性 欧盟委员会 (EC) 如果该机构继续拖延就批准生物技术马铃薯品种做出决定,则向法院提起诉讼, 工作周 报道。

According to the article, for nine months the EC has been considering whether to approve cultivation of the potato. “Enough is enough,” said Stefan Marcinowski, a director at BASF AG. “We are prepared to take all kinds of options, which includes legal action against the Commission.”

Marcinowski 周二表示与 欧盟 环境专员 Stavros Dimas 没有取得任何进展,欧盟官员正在嘲笑他们自己的审批制度。

EC approval for BASF’s “Amflora” potato would be its first approval of a biotech crop in a decade. The potato would provide starch for industrial uses, such as making glossy magazine coatings and as an additive in sprayable concrete. BASF says byproducts could also be used to make animal feed, but that would need further clearance from the EU. The potato is not designed to be eaten by humans.

Environmental groups have warned that BASF’s potato contains a gene that makes it resistant to antibiotics, which the opponents say could spread to conventional crops and taint the food chain.

Marcinowski 说,Dimas 重申了对该基因的担忧,巴斯夫称该基因不会对人类或动物构成危险。这一说法得到了 欧洲食品安全局 (欧洲食品安全局)。 Marcinowski 还警告说,世界各地的生物技术公司都将马铃薯案视为对 EC 是否会遵循自己的审批制度,或者是否会屈服于激进主义者意见的考验。

“Interest to invest here in research and development is reducing,” Marcinowski said. In the meantime, approvals of the biotech potato, as well as two genetically modified corn products remain frozen by the commission.