Corteva、巴斯夫和 MS Technologies 将业界首个大豆性状堆栈推向美国、加拿大市场

Corteva 农业科学, 巴斯夫公司,和 微软科技 已宣布他们已达成一项互惠互利的性状许可协议,为美国和加拿大的农民开发具有抗线虫大豆 (NRS) 性状的下一代 Enlist E3 大豆。

作为该协议的一部分,Corteva 和 MS Technologies 已将 Enlist E3 大豆性状授权给巴斯夫,以便在巴斯夫种质资源中开发 NRS 性状。巴斯夫已将其 NRS 性状授权给 Corteva 和 MS Technologies,用于 Enlist E3 大豆。这三家公司预计在 2020 年代后期将包含 NRS 特性的 Enlist E3 大豆品种商业化,等待适用的监管审查和田间测试的完成。

新的 NRS 性状有望为大豆线虫害虫提供前所未有的保护,包括大豆胞囊线虫 (SCN)。 SCN是北美常见的寄生虫,每年给美国农民造成的经济损失超过$10亿。 NRS 性状提供的产量保护超出了当前行业标准的本地 SCN 抗性性状(包括 PI88788 和 Peking),并为北美以外的大豆农民提供了一些最重要的经济线虫物种保护,包括 短尾线虫.

“Our nematode resistant soybean trait will be the first commercially available biotechnology trait developed to control nematodes,” said Linda Trolinder, Senior Vice President of BASF Seeds and Traits R&D. “BASF is in its 5th year of advanced field testing the NRS trait in the U.S. and in our trials, it has demonstrated an average 8% yield benefit above today’s SCN-resistant varieties.”

Enlist 杂草控制系统是针对大豆、玉米和棉花的行业领先系统。 Enlist E3 大豆对 2,4-D 胆碱、草甘膦和草铵膦除草剂具有耐受性,为农民提供了更多选择来管理抗性和难以控制的杂草。

“Farmers have embraced the Enlist E3 soybean trait, which offers maximum flexibility among the industry’s various weed-control systems,” said Tim Glenn, Executive Vice President, Seed Business Unit, Corteva Agriscience. “The addition of the NRS trait to Enlist E3 soybeans is a logical next step for Corteva. Offering both trait technologies together will provide soybean farmers with additional functionality for pest management.”

Enlist E3 大豆性状由 Corteva 和 MS Technologies 共同开发和拥有,并于 2019 年实现商业化。

“We are pleased to see the technology fit various growing environments. The agreement between MS Technologies, BASF and Corteva enables access of Enlist E3 soybeans to more farmers in the United States and Canada,” noted Joseph Merschman, President of MS Technologies. “We are excited to be working toward a new, sustainable option for farmers who want to manage weeds and nematodes in high-performing soybean varieties.”
