
在中国批准了另外两种转基因 (GMO) 作物进口后,全球种子巨头呼吁对新作物类型进行透明、基于科学的批准程序,但将另外四种作物留在等待名单上, 根据 Reuters.com 上的一篇文章.

中国周一批准了以 Agrisure Duracade 品牌销售的先正达 5307 抗虫玉米 孟山都的 87427 抗草甘膦玉米,以抗农达品牌销售,有效期三年。作为北京与华盛顿为期 100 天的贸易谈判的一部分,此举是过去一个月内第二次扩大获得生物技术种子的机会,并且在陶氏化学公司的 Enlist 玉米和孟山都公司的 Vistive Gold 大豆之后,批准的总数达到了四个上个月获得批准。

But it leaves four other products owned by Monsanto, DuPont and Dow on a waiting list pending approval. DuPont was “disappointed” its Pioneer insect-resistant corn was not included, a spokeswoman said in an email.

The other three crops are Dow´s Enlist soybeans and two alfalfa products developed by Monsanto. Monsanto also found it “disappointing” that not all six products in the late stage of review received approvals, the company´s spokeswoman Christi Dixon said in an statement emailed to Reuters.

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