Verdeca 在巴拉圭获得 HB4 抗旱和除草剂大豆的批准

维德卡, 之间的合资企业 阿卡迪亚生物科学公司Bioceres 作物解决方案公司, 有 宣布 它已成功完成监管审查程序,并通过国家农业和林业生物安全委员会获得巴拉圭农业部长对其 HB4 耐旱和除草剂大豆的批准。

The HB4 stack is Verdeca’s newest product release from its pipeline of traits developed to benefit soybean producers through quality improvement, stress mitigation and management practices.

“HB4 is a novel soybean trait that enhances the traditional herbicide tolerance package to provide yield stability across diverse environments,” said Martin Mariani Ventura, general manager of Verdeca. “Approval of this technology in Paraguay is another significant step for the successful commercialization of HB4 technology in the South American soybean market.”
