
美国之后 环保局 (EPA) 拒绝就要求农药使用许可的裁决寻求复审,即使在遵守农药标签法的情况下, 美国农业局联合会 is asking the full Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals for a review. Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman says farmers shouldn’t need a permit under another law when they’re following the existing law. “We are disappointed that EPA has decided not to seek a legal remedy for this situation,” says Stallman. “The decision made by the three-judge panel in January will complicate farmers’ ability to farm, and raise their expenses without improving the environment.” According to CropLife America Director, External Communications, Susan E. Helmick: “CropLife America’s request for the Sixth Circuit Court’s review of their decision vacating EPA’s 2007 NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) final rule … was filed yesterday, April 9 — noted as the court’s deadline.”

该请愿书是与 美国森林和造纸协会, 国家棉花委员会, 作物生命和其他人,要求法院推翻或澄清推翻 EPA 规则的决定,该规则将免除清洁水法许可要求中、附近或周围的某些杀虫剂应用。美国农业部长汤姆维尔萨克在最近的一封信中表示支持全面复审。


EPA has filed a motion asking the court to delay enforcement of the ruling for two years. However, Stallman says the ruling can complicate the effective use of important crop protection tools and obstruct the effective and time-sensitive use of pesticides to combat pests and disease.