
阿肯色州植物委员会否决了禁止使用麦草畏除草剂的提议,但投票中的程序错误促使重新投票,定于 6 月 23 日星期五举行。

A deluge of complaints about drift triggered the move to vote on an emergency ban on dicamba — under heavy use this year with the launch of the Monsanto Roundup Ready Xtend crop system being used in tandem with BASF’s Engenia herbicide. As of June 21, the Arkansas State Plant Board had received 207 投诉 关于麦草畏横跨 19 个县。

Arkansas’ Department of Agriculture said the board will have to vote again because of an error in determining how many votes were needed to pass the ban.

国家植物委员会发言人告诉 AgriBusiness Global 在 6 月 20 日的会议上,禁止在作物中使用麦草畏的提议以 8-6 的投票结果失败,因为认为所有 16 名投票成员都出席了会议(现场或通过电话)并且需要 9 票为了拥有多数。

由于第一个提案失败,董事会随后考虑了第二个提案,该提案需要带罩的喷雾器和一英里的缓冲区,以便在作物中使用麦草畏。第二项提案以 11 票对 3 票获得通过。

休会后,发现只有 15 名投票成员亲自出席或参加电话会议。由于只有 15 名有表决权的成员,多数票将由 8 票组成。发言人说,第一项提案将获得 8 票通过。

“Due to the procedural error and the advice given at the time that the first proposal had failed, when it technically had not, a decision was made to call a special called meeting for Friday morning at 10:00 am to clarify the intentions and desires of the board and let the board decide if they want to stay with the second proposal which passed or if they want to expunge that vote and re-vote on the first proposal or any other proposal. If the board votes on any issue (to include the first proposal from yesterday’s meeting) they are not bound by their previous votes and may vote however they want,” the spokesman said.

In regard to the meeting on June 23, the spokesman explained that all meetings are open to the public, but the board will not be soliciting any additional outside information or discussion for this meeting. “The primary purpose of the meeting is to clarify the board’s intentions due to the procedural error that occurred at the meeting yesterday. However, the board will still have discussion amongst themselves and board members are still allowed to ask for additional information or clarification if they so choose,” the spokesman said.