安道麦与 Ceradis 签订研发作物保护协议

安道麦和 Ceradis BV 宣布,双方已签署研发协议,以安道麦的活性成分和 Ceradis 的技术为基础,开发新型、创新和可持续的作物保护产品。

ADAMA is one of the world’s leading crop protection companies. Ceradis develops and sells innovative, environmentally friendly products for plant nutrition and crop protection. The agreement’s goal is to deliver new crop protection products to farmers with similar or better efficacy rates and ease of handling, while reducing the required dose rate of active ingredients.

Ceradis is focused on answering one of the biggest challenges facing the crop protection industry: how to provide effective solutions to farmers while ensuring their sustainability through significantly lowering dose rates. Ceradis has developed a very versatile encapsulation platform which has shown great promise in our first trials. I believe we can expect viable commercial products to emerge from our research.” states Willem-Jan Meulemeesters, CEO of Ceradis.

安道麦创新、发展与研究和法规事务副总裁 Elad Shabtai 博士:我们同样致力于开发对工人、消费者和环境而言可持续且安全的产品。这种伙伴关系将使我们能够兑现这两项承诺。”