

这家中国化工旗下的以色列公司表示,净收入为 $85 百万,低于去年同期的 $118 百万。收入从一年前的 $9.22 亿增长 11% 至 $10.2 亿,原因是除欧洲以外的销量增加,欧洲由于冬季漫长而本季开局缓慢。

An ADAMA statement cited “continued subdued demand for crop protection products due to ongoing low soft commodity prices and farmer incomes, combined with certain re-opening of distribution channels.” While most agricultural commodities’ prices are generally stable, grain inventories continued to remain high, keeping pressure on prices. This environment is continuing to impact farmers’ incomes now for the fourth consecutive year. In some regions, inventory levels in the crop protection distribution channels are lower in comparison to a year ago, which allows customary market activity levels to resume in these regions.

欧洲延长的冬季导致产季推迟,影响了该地区的需求。未来几周气温上升的速度将决定仍然可以捕捉到多少延误。第一季度出现的 2017 年欧元对冲头寸的负面影响预计将在第二季度结束。

尽管存在这些总体不平衡的市场状况,但在推出新的差异化产品以及提高全球市场渗透率的推动下,公司继续实现强劲的销量增长。特别是,第一季度在巴西推出的 Nimitz 以及正在推出的 Cronnos 预计将从今年下半年开始为 Adama 的增长做出有意义的贡献。

ADAMA also said it was focused on containment of manufacturing costs, and is seeing higher procurement costs due to shortages of raw materials and intermediates. The company continues to exercise strong control of its manufacturing costs. “However, higher procurement costs due to shortages in certain raw materials and intermediates, mostly owing to increased environmental focus in China, have raised product costs compared to the first quarter of last year. Robust demand conditions facilitate increased prices of approximately 2% across the portfolio to offset the higher procurement costs.”