
不列颠哥伦比亚大学研究人员的一项新研究表明,在肥料或杀虫剂中添加简单的聚合物可以显着减少农业污染, 报告 科学日报.



“Other studies have explored ways to decrease the loss of agrochemicals to the environment,” says John Frostad, the study lead and a chemical and biological engineering professor at UBC. “But this is the first to quantify the results using realistic spray conditions that can be translated directly from the lab to field applications.”

为了进行这项研究,Frostad 和他的同事们建造了一个实验室规模的设备,该设备允许液体通过真正的农业喷嘴喷洒到表面上。该设备还首次使用户能够在实验室环境中以工业压力和沉积速率精确测量表面上残留的液体量。

The team found that combining a fertilizer solution with a miniscule amount of polyethylene oxide — an environmentally safe polymer widely used in cosmetics and biomedical applications — significantly enhanced the fertilizer’s stickiness.

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