Amvac 收购杜邦全球 Bromacil 除草剂资产

Amvac C.V., the Netherlands-based international subsidiary of American Vanguard Corp., has acquired DuPont Crop Protection’s global Bromacil herbicide business assets.

剥离的资产包括 Bromacil Hyvar 和 Krovar 商标、产品注册、产品注册数据、客户信息、对某些专有技术的访问、技术注册和北美以外的相关注册数据。 Bromacil 是一种广谱残留除草剂,用于菠萝、柑橘、龙舌兰和芦笋等作物,以 Hyvar 和 Krovar 品牌在全球销售  品牌。 Bromacil 除草剂仍然是重要的杂草控制工具,并在以下国家/地区使用:日本、泰国、墨西哥、哥斯达黎加和巴西。

“This product line acquisition represents an important addition to our existing herbicide portfolio.” said Eric Wintemute, chairman & CEO of American Vanguard. “These proven weed management products will strengthen our competitive position in serving many profitable niche crop markets. Along with other initiatives that we are pursuing, acquiring these Bromacil herbicide assets will significantly enhance our international expansion initiative. We have a history of excellent working relationships with DuPont and are delighted to be carrying this successful product forward.”

“该协议是我们执行杜邦作物保护业务增长战略的又一步,”杜邦作物保护总裁 Rik Miller 说。 “该协议进一步加强了我们对推动当前和长期盈利增长的创新产品的关注。”

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