
Platform Specialty Products Co. 旗下的 Arysta LifeScience 宣布与杜邦展开长期全球战略合作。

Arysta LifeScience 将向杜邦作物保护公司提供创新的杀菌剂技术,最初专注于玉米和大豆种子应用产品。同时,杜邦将通过其种子品牌向第三方种子公司和全球农业零售商获得注册、开发和商业化种子应用产品的权利,其中包括 Arysta LifeScience 技术。两家公司都打算将合作扩展到为其他作物开发更多产品。

杜邦打算利用这种杀真菌剂技术开发、注册、品牌化和营销专有产品组合。这些新产品预计将包含一种内吸性杀菌剂,可以控制土壤和种子传播的疾病——包括 镰刀菌、丝核菌、黑穗病、黑穗病和种子腐烂。

“Arysta LifeScience’s fungicide technology for seed treatment is the result of a long-term R&D effort in formulation, biology and application development,” said Paula Pinto, vice president, Global Portfolio Management, Arysta LifeScience. “We are excited to partner with DuPont in the development of new seed treatment solutions.”

“This long-term partnership supports our strategy of collaborations that incorporate best-in-class technologies into our portfolio for grower benefits,” said Mick Messman, director – Global Seed Applied Technologies, DuPont. “We believe fungicidal seed treatments have become an essential tool for managing disease in crops such as corn and soybeans, and we expect this deal to allow us to create and offer growers even more effective seed treatment solutions.”
