杜邦、BSES LP 甘蔗合作伙伴

BISBAINE – Australia-based BSES Limited and DuPont struck a research, development and commercialization alliance to improve productivity and use of sugarcane varieties.

The agreement brings together DuPont’s extensive plant biotechnology expertise with BSES’s knowledge of sugarcane breeding, production and processing, according to DuPont. The alliance will focus on the development and delivery of technologies to improve current planting technology and agronomic practices to enable productivity growth.

DuPont, through its Crop Protection business, has strong relationships with sugarcane growers and sugarmill customers. As the leader in weed control for sugarcane, DuPont is committed to helping improve customers’ productivity and profitability, according to the company.

“Comprehensive research has found that by accessing biotechnology first, the Australian sugarcane industry can retain its competitive position and build a lead role in the commercialization of biotechnology in the global sugarcane industry,” BSES Chair Paul Wright said in a press release.

甘蔗是当今商业上使用的最有效的生物燃料原料之一。杜邦每年在研发上的投资超过 $10 亿美元,以应对新兴的全球趋势,其中之一就是减少对化石燃料的依赖。