Eden Research 的 3AEY 杀菌剂在西班牙和希腊获得标签延期

Eden Research plc’s 3AEY fungicide can now be used to treat vine powdery mildew in Spain and Greece. Eden, along with its commercialization partners in Spain (Sipcam Iberia) and Greece (Redestos Group), announced the label change for the product, which had already been used to prevent and treat botrytis in table and wine grapes.

在西班牙,3AEY 由 Sipcam 以“ARAW”的形式销售。在希腊,当局已将 3AEY(在希腊和巴尔干国家作为美瓦隆销售)的使用范围扩大到葡萄孢以外的范围。该标签现在包括茄子(茄子)、奇异果、石榴和新鲜洋葱的田间和温室使用。这些作物加起来在希腊的种植面积超过 14,000 公顷。

更多关于 3AEY’s approval.