EFSA 断定草甘膦不是可能的致癌物

根据欧洲食品安全局 (EFSA) 和欧盟成员国的最终重新评估,草甘膦不太可能对人类造成致癌危害。该报告还提出了一项新的安全措施,将加强对食品中草甘膦残留物的控制。


“This has been an exhaustive process – a full assessment that has taken into account a wealth of new studies and data,” said Jose Tarazona, head of EFSA’s Pesticides Unit. “By introducing an acute reference dose we are further tightening the way potential risks from glyphosate will be assessed in the future. Regarding carcinogenicity, it is unlikely that this substance is carcinogenic.”

阅读全文 欧洲食品安全局声明.