EPA 制定 2018 年麦草畏监管行动

EPA 已与孟山都、巴斯夫和杜邦就采取措施进一步降低因使用麦草畏制剂控制转基因棉花和大豆中的杂草而造成的漂移损害邻近作物的可能性达成协议。

Manufacturers have voluntarily agreed to label changes that impose additional requirements for “over the top” use of these products next year including:

  • Classifying products as “restricted use,” permitting only certified applicators with special training, and those under their supervision, to apply them; dicamba-specific training for all certified applicators to reinforce proper use;
  • 要求农民保留有关使用这些产品的具体记录,以提高对标签限制的遵守;
  • 将应用限制在最大风速低于 10 mph(从 15 mph 开始)以减少潜在的喷雾漂移;
  • 减少一天中可以申请的时间;
  • 包括油罐清理语言以防止交叉污染;和
  • 加强敏感作物语言和敏感作物登记处的记录保存,以提高对附近特别敏感作物风险的认识。

Manufacturers have agreed to a process to get the revised labels into the hands of farmers in time for the 2018 use season. EPA will monitor the success of these changes to help inform our decision whether to allow the continued “over the top” use of dicamba beyond the 2018 growing season. When EPA registered these products, it set the registrations to expire in two years to allow EPA to change the registration, if necessary.

“Today’s actions are the result of intensive, collaborative efforts, working side by side with the states and university scientists from across the nation who have first-hand knowledge of the problem and workable solutions,” said EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. “Our collective efforts with our state partners ensure we are relying on the best, on-the-ground, information.”

在一系列讨论中,EPA 与各州、赠地大学和杀虫剂制造商合作,研究近期农业带和东南部作物受损的根本原因。 EPA 仔细审查了可用信息,并制定了将在 2018 年生长季节实施的切实变化。这是导致可行的国家级解决方案的合作联邦制的一个例子。

了解更多信息: https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/registration-dicamba-use-genetically-engineered-crops
