
欧盟委员会将宣布是否 批准拜耳和孟山都的合并 今年上半年, the EU’s Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager told CNBC.

早在去年8月,布鲁塞尔就拜耳拟收购孟山都展开了深入调查,但其是否批准合并的决定先后两次推迟,另外四次暂停。目前计划于 4 月 5 日举行——这是 Vestager 希望遵守的最后期限。

“We have a legal deadline that we have to meet,” 维斯塔格周一告诉 CNBC,当被问及是否可以再次推迟她的决定时。

“When a decision is postponed, it’s very often because the company gives us more time in order to discuss what remedies they have proposed in order to make our concerns go away,” she said, adding that it is “very important that we are thorough, because it is for everyone, that food is well the most important thing, so for farmers to have a choice, affordable prices, not to be locked in with just one provider.”

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