
当今占主导地位的农业生产模式不适合 21 世纪新的粮食安全挑战 世纪以来,联合国粮食及农业组织总干事若泽·格拉齐亚诺·达席尔瓦今天说。

据粮农组织称,虽然在过去十年中长期饥饿的人数减少了 1 亿,但仍有 8.05 亿人经常吃不饱,他在对部长、科学家、农民和民间组织代表的讲话中指出社会聚集在法国首都参加政府组织的 国际农业和气候变化论坛。

Increasing production has long seen as the natural pathway to ending hunger — but today, even though the world produces enough food to feed everyone, hunger remains a problem, he pointed out.

“Since food production is not a sufficient condition for food security, it means that the way we are producing is no longer acceptable,” said Graziano da Silva.

“What we are still mostly seeing is a model of production that cannot prevent the degradation of soils and the loss of biodiversity — both of which are essential goods, especially for future generations. This model must be reviewed. We need a paradigm shift. Food systems need to be more sustainable, inclusive and resilient,” he added.


Agriculture has a potentially large role to play not only in guaranteeing food security but also in building resilience to the affects of climate change and in reducing humankind’s emissions of global warming gases, according to the FAO Director-General.

“The impacts of climate change are no longer an anticipated threat. They are now a crystal-clear reality right before our eyes,” he warned, adding: “Climate change will not only affect food production but also the availability of food and the stability of supplies. And in a global, interdependent economy, climate change makes the global market for agricultural products less predictable and more volatile.”

In his remarks, the FAO Director-General underscored the important role played by healthy soils. “Soils host at least one quarter of the world’s biodiversity and are key in the carbon cycle. They help us to mitigate and adapt to climate change,” he said.

2015年被联合国大会指定为 国际土壤年, and FAO is the lead agency for coordinating the year’s activities.


One promising new approach, said Graziano da Silva, is what is known as “气候智能型农业” – adjusting farming practices to make them more adaptive and resilient to environmental pressures, while at the same time decreasing farming’s own impacts on the environment.

粮农组织是 全球气候智能型农业联盟,一个广泛的利益相关者联盟,包括政府;农民和食品生产商、加工商和销售商;科学和教育组织;民间社会行为者;联合国大会于去年 9 月设立的多边和国际机构以及私营部门。


The FAO Director-General also highlighted “生态农业” as a promising way to move food production onto a more sustainable path. The approach uses ecological theory to study and manage agricultural systems in order to make them both more productive and better at conserving natural resources.

Today’s forum was the first in a series of events leading up the December 2015 climate summit.

During his visit to France, Graziano da Silva also met President François Hollande and held bilateral meetings with Laurent Fabius, France’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development and Stéphane Le Foll, the country’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry.