FMC Agricultural Solutions 受到漫长冬季的打击,巴西甘蔗销售疲软

FMC 指出,巴西甘蔗的长期恶劣生长条件导致植保产品销售额下降。

FMC Corp. 表示,其农业解决方案业务在第二季度表现不佳,原因是北美冬季持续时间较长,而巴西的干旱影响了甘蔗作物保护产品的销售。

FMC had said earlier that the long winter had delayed first-quarter sales, but that it expected conditions to improve and sales to recover in remaining quarters of 2014. However, the weather conditions persisted later into the second quarter than expected leading to reduced application of pre-emergent products. “Although sales of Authority brand soybean pre-emergent herbicides increased as expected, the increase was not enough to offset lower than expected sales of other products, particularly Capture LFR corn insecticide,” the company said in a statement.

The Philadelphia-based company also reported that drought conditions in the Sao Paulo state of Brazil were delaying sugarcane sales, but it did not expect the drought to continue through the second quarter. According to FMC, these extended poor growing conditions have resulted in growers reducing their use of crop protection products. “Furthermore, growers have significantly reduced the rate at which they are replanting, which has reduced the use of herbicides and insecticides in the sugarcane segment. The company does not expect conditions to improve in sugarcane during the remainder of 2014,” it said.

FMC 表示,它现在预计农业解决方案部门第二季度的收益与 2013 年第二季度相比将增长中等个位数。2014 年全年,农业解决方案部门的收入和营业利润预计将增长比 2013 年高出个位数百分比。

FMC 警告称,第二季度调整后每股收益将低于预期,介于 95 美分至 $1.05 之间,全年每股收益介于 $4.10 至 $4.30 之间。