FMC 和巴斯夫合作为美国玉米市场开发新产品

FMC Corp. 和 BASF 宣布达成一项协议,为美国玉米市场带来新型犁沟内作物保护产品。两家公司将把他们的昆虫和疾病保护技术整合到采用 FMC LFR 专利技术配制的新产品中。

这些新产品包括市场领先的活性成分,与 Headline 杀菌剂和 Capture LFR 杀虫剂中 FMC 专有的 LFR 配方中使用的技术相同。独特的 LFR 技术无与伦比,因为它能够轻松地与液体肥料混合,提供一致的活性成分分布,并保持悬浮状态,以便从第一英亩到最后一英亩均匀施用。

“The LFR technology brings greater convenience, simplicity and dependability to our customers,” said Scott Stout, Corn Fungicide Products Manager, BASF. “FMC is a recognized liquid in-furrow leader, and our customers will benefit from our leading disease control and plant health fungicide with the best below-ground insect control and in-furrow insecticide formulation technology available.”

“The collaboration combines the core competencies of two market leaders. FMC is an in-furrow formulations technology leader and BASF is a fungicide active ingredient leader,” said Rick Ekins, Fungicide and Insecticide Portfolio Manager for FMC. “This alliance allows both companies to help our customers take yields and profits to the next level. In-furrow protection has never been so convenient or powerful.”


作为协议的结果,每家公司都将提供新产品。 2017 年,富美实将推出 Temitry LFR 杀虫剂/杀菌剂。巴斯夫将推出 Manticor LFR  沟内杀菌剂/杀虫剂。 美国环保署 已收到注册。

根据 Ekins 和 Stout 的说法,FMC 和 BASF 正在开发新的解决方案,以可持续地养活不断增长的世界人口。

“As an industry, we need new tools to push yield potential higher without using more of our natural resources,” said Stout. “These kinds of collaborations help get us to that goal.”
