FMC 以专利侵权和不正当竞争为由起诉 Summit Agro

FMC Corp. 表示,它于周五对 Summit Agro LLC 和 Summit North American Holdings Corp. 提起诉讼,指控其在美国以 Spartan 和 Authority 品牌销售的甲磺草胺除草剂专利侵权。

向特拉华州威尔明顿的美国地方法院提起的诉讼还指控总部位于日本的住友商事株式会社的贸易公司 Summit Agro 从事不公平竞争。

“FMC has invested significantly in developing sulfentrazone and associated production technology, as well as in establishing the strong reputation of Spartan and Authority brands in the minds of our customers,” said Marc Hullebroeck, North America and EMEA vice president and business director, FMC Agricultural Solutions.  “FMC will vigorously defend its intellectual property rights.”

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