
US Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service (美国农业部-FAS) has detected 3,000 proteins produced in common bean plants could help breeders develop resistance against the bean rust fungus, Uromyces appendiculatus – a major problem for domestic dry bean and snap bean growers. This rust, prevalent throughout the continental United States, causes the leaves to curl upward, dry, turn brown, and drop prematurely, while pod set, pod fill, and seed size are reduced.

In 2004, Asian soybean rust – which infects soybeans, but not common beans – arrived in the United States, severely threatening the US crop. ARS scientists hope that the discovery of the dry bean rust disease resistance proteins will help identify similar proteins in soybeans and advance soybean breeding efforts as well.

ARS 的植物病理学家 Bret Cooper 大豆基因组学和改良实验室 位于马里兰州贝尔茨维尔的 (SGIL) 领导这项研究。这项研究可以帮助科学家确定豆类植物中产生的哪些蛋白质与提供对锈菌的抗性有关,揭示了真菌和植物之间的 1500 多种相互作用,并导致鉴定了一组被认为是主要调节剂的潜在蛋白质植物产生强烈的抗性反应。这一新信息可能有助于育种者改进目前受到锈病威胁的豆类品种。该研究最近发表在 分子和细胞蛋白质组学.