Belchim USA 的 ReLoad 杀菌剂获得 EPA 注册

Belchim Crop Protection USA 宣布 ReLoad 是一种独特的磷酸盐杀菌剂,已获得 EPA 注册批准,现在可以在美国进行州注册

ReLoad 是一种 53.6% 单钠和二钠亚磷酸钾、亚磷酸钾和亚磷酸铵混合物,在控制霜霉病方面效果最佳,还提供了一种有效的预防性病害控制选项,可防治腐霉病(瓜果腐霉) 和炭疽病 (Colletotrichum cereal)。这种高度浓缩的配方通过双重作用模式起作用,既可以防止氧化磷酸化——细胞利用酶氧化营养物质的代谢途径——又可以刺激植物对病原体攻击的天然防御。

Approved for and proven effective on a wide variety of crops – including, but not limited to, asparagus, curcubits, grapes, hops, leafy vegetables, legume vegetables, tuberous and corm vegetables – as well as indoor and outdoor ornamentals and turf, ReLoad is a valuable tool in fungus prevention for golf course superintendents and growers alike. “Growers have experienced significant marketable yield improvement when using this product, and we’ve also seen first-hand how it protects the beauty of golf courses across the globe,” says Tom Wood, General Manager of Belchim USA. “We’re very excited to bring this unique formulation and its benefits to the United States.”

目前,以下州也已批准注册 ReLoad:科罗拉多州、佐治亚州、爱达荷州、缅因州、北达科他州、内华达州、南卡罗来纳州、华盛顿州和威斯康星州,预计在不久的将来会有更多州。